We welcome you to our Blog. To start, a little info on the USA Embassy and Consulates in Brazil.

Here on this post there are links to the USA embassy and consulates for Brazil as well as 2 links specific to legal consultancy we can offer or tax consultancy you might need for your visit, investment or business you might be doing in Brazil:

Legal consultancy – Lawyer in Brazil

AA Legal Consultancy

Tax consultancy 

AA Tax Consultancy

A great starting point for any business venture or investment in Brazil is the USA Embassy in Brazil. 

Please see their direct site link below:

US Embassy in Brazil

The USA embassy is in Brasilia at the below address and telephone number:

SES - Av. das Nações, Quadra 801, Lote 03,CEP 70403-900 - Brasília, DF 

Phone: (55-61) 3312-7000 Fax: (55-61) 3225-9136

There are several US consulates and their telephone numbers are below as well as as description of those regions:

Consulate of Sao Paulo (55 11) 3250-500

Financial capital of Brazil with near 40% of GDP concentrade here. Most international flights will land here first. Please note that Sao Paulo traffic can be a problem and delays of 1 hour on a 20 minute drive are normal. Sometimes a mix of the Sao Paulo metro or CPTM (trains) is best outside of rush hours with a local Uber to the consulate. 

Consulate of Rio de Janeiro (55 21) 3823-200

Tourism capital of Brazil and there are 2 international airports here. Best use Uber from the airport to your final destination. Be careful with card frauds and theft when outside of of Leblon, Copacabana and Barra de Tijuca. 

Consulate of Recife (55 81) 3416-3050

Recife is the main entry point to the excellent beaches nearby with 1-3 hours drive out of the city. 

Consulate of Port Alegre (55 51) 3345-6000

- Port Alegre is the southernmost capital of Brazil which in iself is a continent while Florianopolis is probably the closes main tourist destination to this consulate – about 5 hours away. 

We would love to hear from you so please do comment! 
