WHAT ARE TOP TEN QUESTIONS FOR 2023 ON BRAZIL? - from starting your company in Brazil to current politics in Brazil.

We have constantly the same questions about Brazil! 

For 2023 here are the top 10 list to solve your doubts right now:

1-Why now? 
-Well any good investment is made when the price is low to sell high. So you look at the broader market conditions. China is out for USA. Brazil is the next near market for supply. Commodities are in demand. But Lula´s mouth is currently showing itself to be bigger than his brain, so take that into account. 

2-How long does it take to setup a company in Brazil? 
-It takes about 40 working days. Including the CPF (tax number for partners), CNPJ and bank setup. 

3-How much does it take to setup a company in Brazil? 
-About R$9000 if AA Risk does it for you. Much less directly but you are going to go crazy with local bureaucracy. 

4-Best Entry Point in Brazil? 
-Sao Paulo is about 30 of the total GDP for a continent size country. So pretty much 80% of the time this is the best base for your business. 
 -Brasilia if you want to work with the government on a national level. 
 -Industrial we would say look at federal and municipal tax benefits – we can help you with this. Then decide. 
 -IT or software probably Florianopolis. 

5-What is business culture in Brazil like? 
-People are very friendly and first name basis. Always take the coffee offered. The hugs and kisses on greeting in business don’t mean business closed – its normal with everyone even your market competitor. Polo t-shirt, chino pants and always smart shoes are fine. A suite can be extremely hot year all-round, so don’t wear one if you have to move or stand outside. Nights can get out of hand and full of promises that evaporate in the broad light of day. 

6-How to sell into Brazil? 
-We like the MPV model. Almost always. Setup your minimum viable product that is best and test. But look at the tax profile for your business FIRST. Establish price points upfront. Setup a site. Do great digital marketing. Get good local sales person to open the market for you. Or come and talk to us a AA Risk about setting up and doing a go-to-market strategy for you! 

7-How long does it take to contract someone in Brazil? 
-People even when employed can generally pay a fine and start straight away. You will be flooded with CV´s though and all interviews go very well so everybody seems suitable. You need a CNPJ (company number) to contract someone or outsource this contracting. BUT, and a big BUT, local labor law is very complex, punitive and even when outsourced the company can still be held responsible up to your customers being processed, as they were ultimately paying the bill. 

8-What is happening in Politics? 
-The long overdue tax reform bill is setup to go to voting. -Government budget on paper is conservative and well received. But full of holes. -Lula´s ruling workers party (PT) does not have majority to push through all they want. -Bolsonaro´s party (PL) and the central group of parties will make strong opposition. -2023 is a defining year for progress politically if Lula can keep his mouth shut and listen to others. 

 9-Do I need a lawyer to start in Brazil? 
-If you want to setup a company no. The accountant will setup your company articles. 
 -If you want to go to market no also. But don’t accept or sign any agreements before you see a lawyer.
-Lawyers are required only for specific startups (PPP projects) or problems (company Tax liabilities). 

10-Where do I go for my Business tourism? 
-Foz de Iguacu waterfalls. 
-Any of n great beaches for a weekend on Litoral Norte de Sao Paulo. 
-Best churrasqueria (steakhouse) for your locality – use Google maps to find. 
 -Fernando de Noronha. 
 -Fasano Trancoso Hotel Bahia – top ten hotels Travel and Leisure 2023 
 -Oscar Freire street stores and JK Iguatami shopping in Sao Paulo. 

 Thank you for taking the time to read our opinion on the current situation in Brazil and about getting started in Brazil. Any serious doubts come and talk to us at AA RISK Analysis.
