Brazil Tax regime - Import Duties - IOF - Income Tax - Corporate Tax – RESOLVE YOUR TAX QUERY HERE!

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Read below a brief summary on Brazil tax :

We just love watching the series Billions from Netflix in Brazil. Its very relevant to any business you will do locally in Brazil. 

On the one side an investment opportunity to be made. You have to be very smart and look at all the angles including ´´passivos´. Legal debts a company or business might have. On the other side of the coin the Law. The Brazilian Tax law. As in some episodes of Billions your tax footprint is sometimes what destroys or leaves your investment or business exposed. So, start there.


In Brazil you often have to be counter intuitive. You start with analysing the best tax regime for the product or service you want to sell or invest in Brazil. Then the corporate entity that will allow for that tax regime. And then you put together the business plan or opportunity. That does not mean the market wants your product, or service, or is ready for it. Just that you now are ready to price up your business plan correctly.


So many foreign businesses coming to Brazil spend 12 months setting  up a corporate entity and doing the necessary registrations. To then find their product or service is not competitive on pricing or technology or market needs.

Get all your tax queries and issues resolved first with us. We can also take you to the market through our AA Risk consultancy. This will help go forward based on the market opportunity and not some constantly changing business plan.


Brazil Tax Overview:

Not sure how the Brazil tax regime works. On the link below we have summarized it as simply as possible. The link below will give you a total overview. Click on it to go to our tax site dealing with Brazil tax regimes.

 CLICK this link to AA Tax for Brazil Tax Overview

Import Duties for Brazi:

As for most countries you should use a local freight agent to handle all importations or exportations. Very important. Don’t try do this even with just an accountant. Its complex. Exportations to Brazil will accumulate 70% tax upwards. If you have the right local corporate entity you use tax credits to offset these taxes. The link below will give you a total overview. Click on it and go to our tax site dealing with Import Duties for Brazil.

 CLICK this link to AA Tax for Import Duties tax queries

Corporate Tax for companies and income tax for employees:

Income tax for companies when the entity is a Lucro Real for instance is typically 24% for less than R$240 000 annual profit and anything above that is taxed at 34%. Personal income tax payable is not very flexible and is extremely difficult to do good tax avoidance on. The link below will give you a total overview. Click on it and go to our tax site dealing with IOF tax for Brazil.

CLICK this link to AA Tax for Income tax queries

IOF Tax for Brazil:

Any investment or credit operation will involve IOF taxes. Even for a foreigner. The IOF tax rates are under discussions for alterations. But for now all the rates are pretty well define. If have an operation that you need IOF tax consulting on we can help you. The link below will give you a total overview. Click on it and go to our tax site dealing Income tax for Brazil.

CLICK this link to AA Tax for IOF tax queries

To sign off we need to warn you that the local Brazilian tax regime is complicated and can be punitive if you don’t get the right advice first.

There will be days it will seem an Alice in Wonderland Mad Hatter riddle, if you are not prepared and correctly guided in Brazil tax regimes.

Come and talk to us at AA Tax by AA Risk below:

AA Risk Consultancy site - take me to the market!

AA Tax site - resolve your tax issues here!


  1. We look forward to hearing from you with your tax query at AA Tax by AA Risk.


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