Just Arrived in Brazil - Need some hard facts fast?


Doing business in Brazil?

Arriving hard and fast!

Dont bring Dollars. Bring 2 or 3 Visa or Mastercard accredited cards. Bring one cold weather option clothing as Brazil can go from hot to cool fast and it will feel like winter as a result. Bring some asparin or similar for these weather changes and the hard hangovers. 

Make sure your cellphone is on internantional roaming. The rest get here in Brazil. 

Doing Business in Brazil

You dont need a suite. You need 2 smart shirts and the rest I would recommend golf shirts. Leave your Rolex at home but bring a smart watch and some nice Oxford brogues to compliment. People do look at your brands that you are wearing. Smile and do the fist handshake. 

Taking notes impresses but not like Kim Jong-un assistants that write everything down. Do not mistake the friendly and intense meetings for progress or approval! 

Use Uber to get around. Its cheap and normally a 3-7 minute wait. Peak traffic is BAD on metro and roads from 7 to 9 and 16h30 to 19h30 so avoid at all costs. Go earlier to not be late.

Speak English if you need help or are in trouble or looking for a date. Most locals will bend over backwards to help you. So do ask and engage. In the big cities there will almost always be someone near desperate to practise their english.  

Turbi and Movidas are best for car hire. Using Google Maps is easy on your phone. 


A few nights drifting in Villa Magdalena hotspots.

Shopping Villa Lobos or Shopping Bourbon to eat and buy. I would recommend using the Veja magazine link below to find a restaurante:

Veja Magazine Restaurantes

Speak to reception staff at your hotel for recommendations. But get their name first and ask using their name. It helps to make sure you getter the better recommendations. 

Going off piste can be infinite fun and limitless when you are ultimately paying in Dollars. A lot of night locations give you a ´´commando´´ which is a tag with your consumption for payment when you leave. Do not pass it around or let it get out of site or loose it. And ALWAYS ask how much you are paying up front. 

Tinder and Inner Circle apps are good for meeting people if that is in your agenda. 

WATCH OUT for the gringo drinking caipirinhas that go down real well and smooth until he realizes he has never been that drunk in his life.

Relaxing and weekends

Dont miss Feijoada every Wednesday and Saturday to eat. It gets better every time you eat it.

Sundays running or walking Parque Ibirapuera. Or Avenida Paulista which is shut to traffic and goes music and crafts/stalls.

For the beach either Hotel Sheraton in Santos or Litoral Norte Paulistano. Use Booking.com. Our favourites are Praia de Pernambuco, Praia da Baleia and Toque-Toque Pequeno for Sao Paulo based work. Ilha Bela is beautiful but its a long drive out with ferry plus unstoppable beach mosquitos that love repellant. 

Avoid Rio.

See Fernando de Noronha and Foz de Iguaçu water falls if you want to go further.

Go to the MASP art gallery in Sao Paulo for some culture.

Hope that helps!!!

If you want a more structured approach and our professional services send us an e-mail on contact@aariskanalysis.com. If you just need a lawyer talk to us too. We have the full team on standby.
