Free Internet for the Amazon = Elon Musk + Amazon + Minister of Communications Brazil

 Free Internet for the Amazon!

How exciting is that? And why is that both necessary and a priority?


Elon Musk brings internet to Amazon through Starlink

To roll-out a traditional land-based system would involve huge infra-structure costs and also environmental issues.


But Elon Musk has just offered to roll-out satellite-based internet for the Amazon through his Starlink company! This after a meeting with the Brazilian minister of Communications Fabio Faria. They had been talking previously already.


Why is this important for the Amazon?


1-How do you truly monitor and gauge environmental damage to the Amazon?

2-How do you develop better scientific knowledge of the ecosystems and local temperatures?

3-How do you transfer knowledge to local populations about preservation, health and education?

4-How do you get socio-economic programs in place that also help preserve the Amazon?

5-Education is fundamental to human evolution and there are a lot of communities in the Amazon that have no real access to schooling or teachers.


Communication and monitoring are fundamental to the preservation of the Amazon. True data in live time is indisputable. And with real data you can bring accountability to bear.


We really hope the local Brazilian NGO´s get involved and behind this offer. Help make it real instead of chasing self-funding interests.


We were also following comments and feedback from Brazilian readers about this announcement in the magazine Exame (a local equivalent of the Economist), and were surprised at the local opinions being registered:


1-The Starlink program is to take over the Amazon.

2-Elon Musk wants to make money off the poor.

3-The Amazon belongs to Brazil and the USA is trying to take over.

4-Another corruption scheme in the making.

5-About 30% of the comments were congratulatory or positive.


With so much fake news and terribly informed ´´influenciadores´´ out there, its sad to see how people get this wrong. Our post? We just made the following comment: Were happy the richest man on the earth is bringing internet to the poorest and most isolated people on the earth.


Congratulations to the minister Fabio Faria, Starlink and Elon Musk!
