BRAZIL ELECTIONS DEBATE 2022 - HELLFIRE AND BRIMSTONE - see our summary if you want to do business in Brazil!

Brazil 2022 Election News Update - Televised Presidential candidates Debate held on Sunday 28/09. It was Hellfire and Brimstone!

Brazil 2022 Elections Debate Presidential Candidate

We are sharing a post made by the Esfera group that does a lot of work behind the scenes to better comunication and governance in Brazil and their opinion.

Esfera's work and publications are always relevant and of high value for the future of our country. And we stopped by to give our opinion on their post!

Linkedin Esfera Posta about Elections debate 28/08 on Band TV

Our opinion on the Debate?

The Elections Debate for Brazil on Band TV

1-It was a total success in getting all the candidates together in one place. But it ended up being almost a street fight between them. Hellfire and Brimesonte moments. With nothing concrete for the public to analyze.

What was said at the Brazil elections debate?

2-Candidates should have been be forced to explain what they are going to do regarding specific aspects such as education, economy, infrastructure. Details. But most of the debate was programmed to be questions between the candidates and the candidates using questions to promote their agenda only briefly answering the questions in the time allocated.

The right format for Elections in Brazil debate?

3-The candidates should have been asked why they did not what they are now promising in previous governments!? Especifically the PT (14 recent years), PMDB (Simone Tebet was acting as if she and her party had no history in Brazil of being in government - 30 plus years) and the PL party of the current president.

What was the most important aspect of the Brazil Elections debate? 

4-We beleive the most important aspect, however, would be that most people who will determine the next president, the economic classes C, D and E, are not seeing these debates or serious analysis. How can the system, and groups like Esfera, help to disseminate these debates in an integral and relevant way to these members of our population???

Who won the Brazil Elections Debate on Sunday 31-08? 

5-Bolsonaro in our opinion. That is until he got involved in a stupid scrap about womans rights. With Lula shooting himself in the foot several times! Including saying he would support equity of 50% of his government being woman, but then not agreeing to make this an objective when pressured by the interviewer! His excuse? He needed to promote the ''best candidates'' for his government and not ''woman candidates'' to make the goverment 50% female.

Was the Brazil Elections Debate Useful? 

6-After the debate, all you could see on social media, was cut and heavily edited posts blatantly misrepresenting the outcome with the usual rhetoric slogans in big titles on the posts. Creating perceptions far from the reality of what happened in the debate.

Brazil Elections 2022 to come: 

How do we educate the important social classed in Brazil and change this distortion of reality in one of the most important elections to be had in Brazil?

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