Elections 2022 in Brazil and a ''dictatorship'' government. 

We see a lot of foreigners posting and promoting certain comments about the political situation in Brazil and elections held on 2 October. There seems in reality to be a swarm of information piranhas out there eating up all the data and reality of the current sitatuon in Brazil. So lets try and give you some information based on data and history not just a narrative being swopped around because the piranhas have eaten up the data. 

Below a short story and update on Brazilian politics. 

The current elections - first round finished yesterday. And the local ´´dictatorship´´ tendencies of Bolsonaro. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS AN OPINION based on data.

Brazil was a ONE political party system for near 50 years. Another type of dictatorship where a few elite and their interests ruled Brazil.

This system had 3 political sub-divisions: PSDB, PMDB and PT. Each had its national state companies and banks to rob and do as they please. And still further corruption, considering the market and over invoicing on infrastructure projects. All in collusion and agreed behind closed doors.

Bolsonaro broke this mold.

Brazil Elections October 2022

4 Years on in the elections held yesterday there is no PSDB. There is almost no PMDB. And the PT only survived the elections yesterday through their sponsored poor electorate votes in the Northeast and old socialist narrative. The PT also survived because they still have a strong base in government after 14 years of ‘’funcionalismo’’ = filling government with jobs for the boys.

What is being put into global news sources is a NARRATIVE built to TRY discredit Bolsonaro. Mostly Rhetoric. Often an opinion with at best one example but no broad aplication.

Brazil Update and Economy 2022

Why is the narrative wrong? Because of the below update:

1-October 2022 Elections were peaceful.

2-The economy is being opened – legal changes to foreign investments to open the market.

3-Massive infrastructure projects were signedoff after standing still for near decades.

4-State companies were privatized.

5-Various state taxes were reduced or eliminated including fuel by nearly 40%.

6-The GDP has already recovered and is amongst the highest globally.

7-Unemployment has dropped to 2015 levels already as of 3 days back news.

8-The ridiculous food only ‘’Bolsa Familia’’ was upgraded by 300% to ‘’Auxilio Brasil’’ to give people a realistic chance to leave poverty. But jobs are what is needed.

9-Goverment ministries were cut from 24 to 16.

The Amazon IS NEXT. Tax reforms are NEXT. These and other alterations/campaign promises could not be approved as Brazil is a federal country. Which means approving changes in the House of Deputados and then the Senate - under control of the opposition until an agressive tradeoff of goverment spending was negotiated.

If you disagree with our comments, please comment after looking at the election results from yesterday.

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